Living with Wildfire
submitted by Bruce Benninghoff, Colorado Forestry Association
The Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) was established in April 2002 by the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior to provide an intergovernmental committee to support the implementation and coordination of Federal Fire Management Policy.
The WFLC adopted a vision for this century, “To safely and effectively extinguish fire when needed; use fire where allowable; manage our natural resources; and as a nation, to live with wildland fire.” The Cohesive Strategy will address the nation's wildfire problems by focusing on three key areas: Restore and Maintain Landscapes, Fire Adapted Communities, and Response to Fire.
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ROOM CHANGE - Presentation/discussion on communities and wildfire - March 7
submitted by Carol Dollard, CSU Energy Engineer and Fire Fighter
Sarah McCaffrey's presentation and discussion has been moved to room A102 Andrew G. Clark Building on Colorado State University Campus. View the CSU campus map for location and parking: I recommend the metered parking lot on the SE corner of University and Mason, or the lot just south of the Oval and Administration Building.
4:30 PM on Thursday, March 7. Refreshments will be provided courtesy of the Southern Rockies Fire Science Network.
Tony Cheng - Director, Colorado Forest Restiration Institute